Intoxicated Man Who Draws Handgun Is Shot And Killed By Store Employee After Trying To Get In His Car To Leave

An intoxicated man was shot and killed in a parking lot outside a store in Missouri Thursday morning after store employees were trying to stop him from getting in his car and driving away.

Employees told police that they followed the man out to his car after he had left the store because they didn’t want him driving. They said that once they got to his car, he pulled out a handgun and pointed it at them. One of the employees, a concealed carry license holder, drew his firearm and shot the man. He was pronounced dead a short time later

It is not known if the intoxicated man had his firearm on his person or in his vehicle when he displayed it.

There is no further information at this time.

This is another case involving alcohol and firearms. Just a few days ago, we reported on a shooting where a woman accidentally shot and killed her cousin while they were drinking.

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