Another Irresponsible Gun Owner Who Shoots At Things That Move In The Dark: Grandma Edition

A grandma in Tampa, FL seems to be a bit on the paranoid side. Early this morning, she was at home sleeping in the same room with her two young grandsons while her own son was at work. She awoke to the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor. This same chair was put in place initially by the grandma to secure the bedroom door.

So, apparently the next logical thing to do is to pull out your .22-caliber revolver and fire toward the noise in complete darkness. The end result: Her 7-year-old grandson struck with the bullet in the torso and now listed in critical condition.

Sheriff’s spokeswoman Cristal Bermudez Nunez said Maddox felt unsafe when her son would work overnight, so she would bring her grandchildren into the bedroom with her and block the door with a leaning chair. She said deputies have been called to the house 12 times since 2011, including a call about a suspicious person on June 20, 2011, and a suspicious vehicle last Jan. 2. None of those calls turned into anything significant, she said.

The grandma seems to have a thing for jumping the gun and feeling uneasy at the home when she is by herself or just with the grand-kids. While everyone has their own vulnerabilities, we now have a problem because negligence has entered the picture. Should she continue to own a firearm? My answer is no.

This is the second time an incident like this has happened over the past few weeks. I also made note of another case where a father shot at his son who was entering their hotel room late at night. He was simply returning from the bar, but lost his life after his father shot into the darkness.

If you are not 100% certain that a threat is in your home, you are irresponsible if you pull that trigger. Period.

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