Is Going To Be Your New Favorite Website For Guns, Ammo & Accessories

Searching for guns, ammo, magazines and other accessories is sometimes a difficult task when you’re trying to get the best price on the web. Services have been popping up over the years to help folks find exactly what they need quickly from the retailers and distributors that they love so much. Some are good, some are bad, and some are great.


Relatively new to the scene, GunWatcher offers a pretty awesome experience while doing your firearm-related shopping online. Not only does it give you an awesome breakdown of available ammo like does, it also lets you search for firearms and accessories.

After three years of hard work, the group behind this website went ahead and launched it in November of 2013, just in time for Black Friday. The site has gone through a lot of positive changes since then and is quickly growing to be a new favorite.

The site allows the user, in one click, to search 100’s of retail stores, classified, and auction sites for in-stock gun items. All of the information is instantly returned to you and sorted by the stores, auctions, and classifieds categories. Users can browse each category with the simple click of a button.


The site has evolved to allow searches for guns, ammo, accessories, mags, and even class 3 items. The data is updated between 3 and 15 minutes and out of stocks are auto removed from the results.

Our mission is to give our users a one stop place to search for any gun product to make sure they are getting the best deal. Our newest feature was the ammo section of our site. We just added a pretty cool feature that allows you to enter a zip code and it will scan any Walmart’s inventory withing 50 miles for in stock ammo. We have some pretty cool projects underway now that will be released in the coming months.

If this doesn’t sound awesome to you, I’d say you’re crazy. Give them a try and see how the site fits your needs. You’re sure to love it, and you’re sure to bookmark it.


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