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Hawaii’s Highest Court Rules The 2nd Amendment Doesn’t Apply To It’s Residents

On Wednesday, the Hawaii Supreme Court, led by Justice Todd Eddins, ruled that the Second Amendment rights, as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, do not apply in Hawaii. This decision emphasizes Hawaii’s unique “spirit of Aloha” and asserts that the state can mandate permits for public firearm carrying. The ruling clearly states that the Hawaii Constitution does not recognize a right to publicly carry firearms for self-defense, diverging from the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation.

The court highlighted the cultural and historical differences of Hawaii, noting that its past does not involve a society accustomed to openly carrying weapons. It argues that unrestricted public gun carrying undermines other constitutional rights, including the right to life and safety. The ruling also references HBO’s “The Wire,” suggesting that adhering to outdated societal norms is unreasonable.

This case originated in December 2017 with the arrest of Christopher Wilson in West Maui for carrying an unregistered firearm without a permit, acquired in Florida. Wilson contended that his Second Amendment rights were violated. However, the Hawaii court explicitly disagreed with the U.S. Supreme Court’s stance on this matter, as seen in 2008’s District of Columbia v. Heller and 2022’s New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, both recognizing a constitutional right to carry firearms.

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