Indian Lake NY church service ends with an armed man entering the church

In the small town of Indian Lake NY, a church congregation was shaken up when a man walked in at the tail end of the service over the weekend armed with a gun. The man, 44-year-old Jason Berg, was shouting profanities and walked up to the alter while throwing objects at people.

Berg was armed with a .45 caliber pistol, but he did not have a chance to fire it because members of the congregation tackled him and held him down until police arrived. However, Berg was pronounced dead at the scene, but no cause of death was given.

According to authorities, Berg violently resisted while he was being subdued and disarmed by parishioners. Police say it is then when the man became unresponsive.

This highlights the answer to a question I hear often: “Why do you carry? Nothing ever happens [in small towns]”. Here is a perfect example of how wrong that statement actually is.

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