Rep. Leslie Combs accidentally discharges firearm in office, says “I’m a gun owner. It happens.”

Rep. Leslie Combs of Kentucky accidentally fired her Ruger LCP inside her office while trying to unload it. She then went on to say this gem of a statement:

“I’m a gun owner. It happens,” Combs said. “…I was disarming and it was an accidental discharge of a firearm.”

“I was purposely disarming it to put it up because I didn’t like it and I didn’t want to use it anymore,” Combs said. “I had had it in my purse I carry usually, and I thought I’m going to put that sucker away.”

If you’re a responsible gun owner, you know that ‘accidental discharges’ don’t actually exist. Whenever a firearm is discharged when you weren’t expecting it, it’s called a negligent discharge.

For Rep. Combs to make the bold statement such as “I’m a gun owner. It happens.” is offensive to responsible gun owners all over the world. I have been a gun owner for 5 years, and my father has been one for over 40. Neither one of us has ever experienced a negligent discharge because A) we are responsible, B) we know how our firearms operate and C) we know all about firearm safety.

Remember this; the actions of one does not reflect on the masses.

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