Glock 42 to be unveiled in January 2014

UPDATE 1/4/2014

Introducing the Glock 42 and Glock 41

FIRST LOOK: Glock 42 (video)

FIRST LOOK: Glock 42 REVIEW (video)


Glock has released a teaser flyer for a yet-unknown new firearm that they will be unveiling in January 2014 at SHOT SHOW.  Speculations are flying around the gun community as to what this new firearm could be.

Glock releases in sequence, so if a G42 is in the works, we’d imagine a G41 and G40 would also be available shortly after, however it’s all speculation at this point.

What do you think the G42 is? Chime in under this post in the Facebook Comments section. We’re very excited to see what Glock has in store for us come January!


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