Firearm Safety
Man Leaves Gun Show With Bullet In Finger
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TULSA, OKLAHOMA — A man was injured earlier this month when a negligent discharge occurred in the middle of the Wanenmacher’s Tulsa Arms Show, Tulsa World reports. Apparently, one of the attendants was checking the firearm to see if it was loaded when it discharged, ricocheted, and hit a man right in his middle finger.…
How To Mail A Firearm
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A lot of people have recently brought up that they mail their firearms instead of check them as baggage. If you don’t have an FFL, then you may be violating Federal law. The big exception is when mailing rifles or shotguns. Here’s a couple ways to stay on the right side of the law and…
Irresponsible Gun Owner Shoots 9mm Through Ceiling, Almost Hitting Child In Upstairs Apartment
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FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA — In an extremely embarrassing moment for concealed carriers, one North Dakota resident with his concealed carry license was inspecting a new firearm when that gun went off, putting a hole in his ceiling, going through that ceiling, through the floor of the apartment above him, and into that ceiling, narrowly missing…
DETROIT, MICHIGAN — Some people love the off-body carry. I have been told by peers that they find it more convenient and more comfortable. This story is exactly why I disagree with them. In Detroit, MI, a 9-year-old boy accidentally shot himself in the hand after coming across a concealed firearm in his mother’s purse,…
[VIDEO] Movie Myth Busted? Can Dual Wielding Pistols Actually Work Better Than Just One?
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Rate of fire is everything. Unfortunately, the faster the bullets fly, the more they tend to deviate from target. Hollywood, however, would have everyone believe that a man with two handguns can walk into a room and simultaneously hit targets on opposing sides. Well, Larry from Vickers Tactical puts this to the test. Larry has…
Son Chokes Mother And Then Attacks Step Father — Step Father Defends Himself Appropriately
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ORANGE, TEXAS — A 46-year-old man decided his fit of anger and rage was justifiable enough to begin choking his own mother. When her husband tried to intervene, the man redirected his anger towards him. Well, it’s the step father’s home. He retrieved his handgun and shot the man in the head. According to a…
TACOMA, WASHINGTON — One robber was fatally shot after he attempted to mug a legally licensed concealed carrier. While he attempted to rob two people, one of them was a concealed carrier and was able to retrieve his handgun and shoot the robber. A spokeswoman for the Tacoma Police Department, Loretta Cool, told KOMO News…