Firearm Safety
PROVO, UTAH — Reason #4,687 why we can’t have nice things: An employee of a Utah County Attorney’s Office decided that it’d be a good idea to show off his new firearm at work to another employee. But that dang hindsight, amirite? While attempting to show the firearm to another concealed carrying employee who asked…
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI — One teenager is in the morgue, another suspect is in custody and an 11-year-old is still pending interview with St. Louis authorities after a tragic home invasion. According to police, an 11-year-old was home alone with his 4-year-old sister when two teens allegedly repeatedly tried to break into the home. …
[CCW IN ACTION] 50 Year-Old Resident Goes To ATM, Armed Robbers Show Up — Does The Right Thing
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DETROIT, MICHIGAN — According to news sources at WXYZ – Detroit, a 50-year-old man and two armed robbers are currently being treated for non-life-threatening gunshot wounds following a shoot-out at an ATM. Police say that a resident of the neighborhood was walking down to a Citizen’s Bank ATM when he spotted two robbers approaching. One…
What goes up, must come down. And sometimes, what goes horizontally at 1200 fps can come back at you in smaller pieces. Thefirearmguy experienced this first-hand when shooting some steel targets. I belong to a 50′ indoor range and when we walk down to change targets, we always see fragments of jackets and other various…
SOMMERVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA — Hold on to your hats, folks – this is a doozy of a tale coming out of Sommerville, South Carolina. At approximately 12:35 am, a repossession driver with Premier Recovery spotted a 2009 Chevy Silverado that was on a list of vehicles to be repossessed. The driver pulls over in front…
Firearm Condition Readiness: Condition 0, Condition 1, Condition 2, Condition 3, Condition 4 — What Do They All Mean?
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Firearm conditions are primarily a way to declare the readiness of the weapon. For instance, if you’re on the firing line and the range safety officer calls out “cease fire, cease fire, unload, show, clear — weapons at Condition 4” — it’s helpful to actually know what that means. In this case, Condition 4 is…