CCW In Action
Woman Assaulted By Ex In Store, Armed Customer Shoots Suspect Who Is Now In Critical Condition
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**The article title has been corrected to say that the suspect is in critical condition and not deceased. HOLLAND, MICHIGAN — An abusive ex-boyfriend with a rap sheet a mile long shows up at the place of work of a former girlfriend and begins violently beating her. This is the sort of sad tragic thing…
[CCW IN ACTION] Veteran Did Nothing Wrong — Concealed Carrier Will Not Be Charged For Killing One Robber And Injuring Another
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ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI — An elderly veteran and concealed carrier will face no charges relating to the shooting death of one armed robber and his passenger. The passenger, however, will face murder charges for his dead accomplice. According to KDSK St. Louis News, the Madison County State’s Attorney came out in support of the concealed…
[CCW IN ACTION] Another Concealed Carrier Stopping Another Armed Robbery — Real People Making A Real Difference
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PASCO COUNTY, FLORIDA — A concealed carrier shot an armed robbery suspect in the leg after the suspect pointed a gun at the clerk and demanded money. Pasco County Sheriff’s Office arrived on the scene and transported the suspect to a hospital where he is receiving care for a non-life-threatening gunshot wound. According to First…
[CCW IN ACTION] Concealed Carrier Forced To Defend His Life After An Ex-Girlfriend’s Girlfriend Brandished A Pistol
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NORTH COLLEGE HILL, OHIO — After a rough break-up, one concealed carrier was making trips back and forth to his car when his ex-girlfriend’s girlfriend drew a pistol. Looking up and seeing her with a gun in her hand, he drew his own gun and fatally shot her. via WCPO Cincinnati News “He was startled…
[CCW IN ACTION] Robber Shoves Unloaded Gun In Customers’ Faces, Finds Out One Of Them Has A Loaded Gun
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DETROIT, MICHIGAN — An armed robber is listed in critical condition in the hospital after shoving his gun in customers’ faces while they waited for their orders at the Shrimp Shack in Detroit. Police carted the 19-year-old to the hospital after one of the customers pulled out his concealed carry handgun and shot the young…
Heated Argument In A Parking Lot Leads To A Concealed Carrier Unwittingly Shooting An Unarmed Man
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BEDFORD, TEXAS — A concealed carrier’s car door was scratched after another man accidentally opened his own car door too wide. After Sam Smith, 28, accidentally dinged the door of another vehicle in the parking lot of a Kroger’s supermarket, he stuck around to talk to the concealed carrier. While the conversation started off decent enough, at…
Man With Outstanding Warrants Attempts To Assault Gun Owner — Now He’s Got Two More Charges And A Gunshot Wound
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CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE — A woman was forced to defend herself after she reasonably feared for her life and well-being following a man attempting to assault her. According to Chattanooga police, Dieshunn Lindsey first tried to stop her outside her apartment. When she tried to retreat, he pursued her and was shot. Police have not charged the…
BREAKING: Mass Shooting At Rolling Oaks Mall — Two Good Samaritans Intervened, One Was Killed And The Other Injured
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SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS — There is a developing story of a mass shooting at the Rolling Oaks Mall in San Antonio, Texas. The media is still waiting to be briefed. Law enforcement and FBI are on the scene and securing the mall shop-by-shop. UPDATE: The Rolling Oaks Mall has been secured by police as of…
[CCW IN ACTION] Police Say Taxi Driver Showed Great Restraint Against Passenger Wielding An Ice Pick
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GATES, NEW YORK — A taxi driver successfully defended himself from a passenger after she refused to pay him and advanced towards him with an ice pick. This taxi driver had prior experiences with passengers trying to stab him, though, so he made the wise decision to carry a legally licensed and concealed handgun. via…