• *GRAPHIC* Amazing Video From Brazil Shows Us How To Correctly Deal With An Armed Threat

    Over the years, we have shared many self defense situations caught on camera, but not many have been as well executed as this one that you’re about to see. Hailing from Brazil, the video shows an armed robber come into a restaurant and display his firearm. An off duty officer, not even in the building,…

  • Concealed Carrier Saves Life Of Threatened Stranger

    CHATTANOOGA, TN — A responsibly-armed, responsibly-vigilant concealed carrier put a stop to a threat to a complete stranger’s life one night earlier this month, WRCB reports. Once again, a concealed carrier at the right place at the right time proves that we are handier by one’s side than their best friend! As WRCB reports: Chattanooga…

  • Father Carrying Child Is Attacked By 4 Thugs, Pulls Gun And Fires Multiple Rounds

    MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE — An armed father carrying his baby was faced with four attackers in a McDonald’s parking lot this past Tuesday. For people to attack a person who has a child in their arms is beyond disgusting, but this father wasn’t just carrying a child. “They jumped out of the car and they started…

  • EQUALIZER: Woman Takes Down Would-Be Robber With A Shot to the Chest

    RALEIGH, NC — A thug was hoping to make some easy money late last month in a crowded area in one of North Carolina’s most populous cities, but things didn’t work out too well for him, WRAL reports. For his trouble, he got both shot and arrested — a sad end to anyone’s afternoon. According…

  • Concealed Carrier Turns Tables On Would-be Carjacker

    ORLANDO, FL — A man was shot and killed after her made the unfortunate — if completely avoidable — mistake of attempting to carjack a responsibly-armed citizen who wasn’t in the mood to just roll over in the face of deadly threats. The attacker assaulted and attempted to steal the concealed carrier’s car late one…

  • Armed Robbery Interrupted By Armed Citizen

    By John Boch via TTAG Worcester, Massachusetts police say that 20-year-old Jeremy Cintron worked as an aspiring armed robber. Potentially voted “Most Likely to Be Imprisoned” by his high school class, Cintron knew the Bay State’s onerous gunlaws keep most of his potential victim pool disarmed. He didn’t count on a witness having a gun though. From WHDH TV: Worcester police officers…

  • [VIDEO] Watch This Armed Brazilian Woman Surprise This Armed Thug In A Country With Hardly Any Armed Citizens

    In Brazil, it’s impossible for a normal citizen to carry a firearm, and it’s not easy to even own a firearm. In order to legally carry, you’d need to be a police officer, military police, or similar. The below video of a woman defending herself and her child with a firearm is pretty much unheard…

  • Concealed Carrier Shoots And Kills Carjacker In Orlando Parking Lot

    ORLANDO, FLORIDA — A 49-year-old man with a Florida concealed carry permit had to use his firearm in self-defense last week when a man attacked him and tried to steal his vehicle. The incident happened at a New Texas Fried Chicken late at night, and unfortunately this man lost his life for his poor choices. Leon…

  • Woman Shoots Man With Hatchet As He Tries To Steal Her Car

    TUCSON, ARIZONA — A woman who was getting into her car was caught by surprise when a man approached her and demanded her keys. In one hand, he held a hatchet and seemed unafraid to use it. This bad guy, who has not been identified, underestimated his female victim of choice because she was carrying…