CCW In Action
RICHLAND, WASHINGTONG — Cash, blood, and shell casings is what police found when they arrived to the scene. A career criminal, with the assistance of two teens, attempted an armed robbery. The only problem was that the intended victim was a concealed carrier; and he shot back. Marnicus Collins contacted investigating officers to say he…
COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA — The two parties met with the intention to buy / sell a pair of sneakers. When the couple arrived with the sneakers, their buyer decided he wanted them for free. Officers say just before 6 PM instead of purchasing the items, Burton is accused of pointing a gun at the couple. …
Man In Van Guns Down AK-47 Wielding Robber Because He Didn’t Want ‘To Go Out Like A Punk’
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MIAMI, FLORIDA — He may dress and speak crudely, but what we have here is a classic tale of a legally armed American defending himself and his family. A car thief armed with an AK-47 tries to rob a van at gunpoint, and is met with lethal force. “The guy I killed last night, he…
Woman Shoots Armed Robber, Is Then Immediately Arrested For Not Having Concealed Carry Permit
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CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — There’s a saying among some gun owners that we’ve heard for a long time; “It’s better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6,” meaning this; It’s better to have your day in court and have a jury of your peers decide if you’re innocent or guilty than to die at…
Upset With Long Wait Times, Crazed Woman Pulls Out Gun; Is Stopped By Off-Duty Police Officer
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KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI — Yes, we all hate the long lines at the DMV. In fact, long wait times at the DMV has become something of a national joke. Countless television shows and movies have joked about this scenario. However, for this Kansas City woman, the long lines were no laughing matter. “She was cussing…
HOUSTON, TEXAS — We carry firearms to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and potentially anyone else who’s life may be in danger. We all know that drawing our firearm in one of these events comes with the potential of serious consequences. According to Houston police, two customers and an employee were inside the store when…
AUSTIN, TEXAS — Delivery drivers have long been the target of criminals looking for an easy score. The bad guys know the drivers have cash on them, and can lure them to their location. However, this Uber Eats driver came prepared for such a thing. “Palomino asked (the man) ‘Do you know what time it…