Xavier Roberts
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — Pro-Gun advocates have long held the belief that gun buyback programs don’t work. Often times, these programs are exploited by people making & selling homemade guns to turn in for a decent profit. What happens to these guns after they are turned in is another mystery. According to an AGG report, William…
Upset With Long Wait Times, Crazed Woman Pulls Out Gun; Is Stopped By Off-Duty Police Officer
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KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI — Yes, we all hate the long lines at the DMV. In fact, long wait times at the DMV has become something of a national joke. Countless television shows and movies have joked about this scenario. However, for this Kansas City woman, the long lines were no laughing matter. “She was cussing…
HOUSTON, TEXAS — I personally have only ever experienced road rage a couple times in my life. Both times it was about slow moving traffic. Although I am a mild mannered person, there are others who take road offenses very seriously. Both vehicles exited the freeway and stopped at a stop sign. Gilliland said that…
When we think of armed clerks, we often consider certain types of locations. Pawn shops, jewelry stores, convenience stores and gas stations which are opened late. This armed clerk, however, works the counter at a beauty store. Friday evening, officers responded to Royal Beauty Supply Store on the 900 block of South Arlington Street in…
HOUSTON, TEXAS — We carry firearms to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and potentially anyone else who’s life may be in danger. We all know that drawing our firearm in one of these events comes with the potential of serious consequences. According to Houston police, two customers and an employee were inside the store when…
COCOA, FLORIDA — No matter the venue, a guards job can be difficult and dangerous. A guard is hired to be the physical deterrent against people breaking the rules, or the law. Sometimes, that means they have to get in harms way in order to do their job, often alone. Thankfully, there was a concealed…
HOUSTON, TEXAS — What started as an argument led to a deadly self defense shooting. A 45 year old woman was being physically attacked by her younger, 25 year old, boyfriend. When he would not stop attacking her, she retrieved her firearm and ended the threat. The two were arguing inside the home in the…