
Suspect Shot By Vehicle Owner While Rummaging Through Car And Stealing Firearm

HOUSTON, TEXAS — In the early hours of Tuesday, a confrontation unfolded in a southwest Houston neighborhood, resulting in one individual being shot, as per local police reports.

Around 4 a.m., Houston police officers rushed to an apartment complex on W. Airport Boulevard after receiving information regarding a shooting incident. On arrival, they encountered a local resident who claimed to have witnessed a break-in into their vehicle.

The vehicle owner detailed that upon discovering the breach, they saw two persons in close proximity, initiating an exchange of gunfire with them. Before this altercation, it was alleged that a handgun had been stolen from the car by these individuals.

During this violent encounter, one individual was reportedly injured, requiring emergency medical attention on-site with the use of tourniquets before being transported to a healthcare facility; the extent of the injuries remains unknown. The Houston police confirmed that apart from the wounded suspect, there were no other injuries reported. As of now, the whereabouts or involvement of the second individual remains unclear.

Leaving firearms inside your vehicle should be avoided whenever possible, because it’s times like this were we wish we didn’t. Firearms are stolen out of vehicles every single day, and it’s one of the easiest ways for the bad guys to get their hands on guns.

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