
[VIDEO] Russian Helicopter Accidentally Fires Missile At Bystanders During War Games

RUSSIA — In what is being called a technical malfunction, a Russian helicopter sent a live missile in the direction of some people watching the war games, and it was captured on video. While this is out of our wheelhouse, it was worth a share, simply for the fact that it shows how quickly life can change when you least expect it. From DailyMail;

Horrifying video footage shows what appears to be two rockets being fired from an attack helicopter before exploding just feet away from three people and parked cars.

The person who recorded the footage seems to have been interested in capturing a fly-by – but panic spreads and he or she flees as mud and smoke fly into the air after the explosions.

It has been reported on Russian website 66.ru that the missiles ‘blasted off on their own’.

The site added: ‘At least two cars burned down, two people were seriously injured, they are now hospitalized.

It’s a miracle that no one was killed, and it would seem that a pretty in-depth investigation should determine just what happened. The people injured were most likely reporters, according to the article. I can’t imagine the panic and fear that not only the bystanders on the ground felt, but also of the pilot once he or she realized what had happened. We hope that the injured are able to make a quick and full recovery.
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