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Man Denied Concealed Carry Permit Because Of Medical Marijuana Card

Mark Berdolet, a long-time concealed firearm permit holder in Oklahoma, found his application for renewal rejected due to his medical marijuana card. Berdolet, who uses medical marijuana to manage neuropathy side-effects, was surprised by this outcome, particularly given the state’s Second Amendment sanctuary status, established by Senate Bill 631 in 2021. This law promises to protect gun ownership rights for all law-abiding citizens.

Another law, Senate Bill 959, was supposed to protect the gun rights of medical marijuana patients specifically. However, Berdolet still faced denial. According to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI), which oversees firearm permits, they must prioritize federal laws and guidelines above state ones. This creates a conflict as federal law still classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, a category that includes substances like heroin and cocaine.

Berdolet argued that his Second Amendment rights are being violated, prompting him to contact State Sen. Nathan Dahm and U.S. Sen. Markwayne Mullin for assistance.

“In Oklahoma we are blessed, because our legislators saw fit to make it a Second Amendment State, and I’ve been assured that I can still carry and no one will harass me,” Berdolet said. 

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