
Concealed Carrying Couple Shot And Killed While Returning To Their Home

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — In a tragic incident, a couple was brutally gunned down near their home in Philadelphia’s Cobbs Creek region in the early hours of Friday. The woman, 43, and her husband, 47, were discovered lifeless on the sidewalk near their residence on 61st and Locust streets. Medical personnel declared them dead at the scene, with the woman having been shot in the back of the head and the man in the face.

Authorities believe the assailant fired about 18 shots, with at least 15 of those discharged at close range. According to Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small, the couple was likely returning home when the fatal incident occurred, and it’s understood their family, including children, were inside the house at the time.

Near the deceased couple, police found two mobile phones, a purse, and a holstered firearm, which, as per Small’s statement, was neither discharged nor drawn from its holder, ruling out its use in the incident. As of now, the authorities lack a clear motive for the crime or a description of the assailant.

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