
Man Stabbed To Death During Fight Over Extramarital Affair

ELLENTON, FLORIDA — A man was stabbed to death during a fight in Ellenton, Florida, early Christmas morning, according to the Manatee County Sheriff’s office.

The death reportedly was cause by a fight born out of an extramarital affair.

According to WFLA, deputies arrived at a house at Day Bridge Place at approximately 4:00 a.m. Someone had called in an ongoing fight.

When the police arrived, they found Gonzalo Juarez, 41, clinging to life.

Paramedics attempted to save the unresponsive Juarez, but it was too late. He died on the scene.

“The incident appears to have stemmed from two involved parties confronting their spouses,” deputies said according to WTSP.

The Bradenton Harold said that charges were “pending” as the homicide continues to be investigated.

This is fairly hush-hush, for now. However, with the facts we’re given now we can reasonably posit that Juarez was likely unarmed when killed.

Even if he was the instigator of the fight, deadly force was utilized. While passion and love are extremely motivating factors, violence at this level still isn’t worth it.

A fight you don’t have is one you cannot possibly lose. When tempers are foul and it feels like the world is crashing around you, stop. Breathe. It’s rare that action taken in the heat of the moment bears fruit.

And while you’re operating with a clear head, consider lawful concealed carry for prudent self-defense.

Not everyone can keep their head as level as you.

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