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Grayson County Resident Fatally Shoots Home Invasion Suspect

GRAYSON COUNTY, VIRGINIA — A suspect in an attempted home invasion is dead after he was fatally shot by the home owner.

A Facebook post on the Grayson County Sheriff’s Office page gave details of the incident that occurred Tuesday, December 6th. The break-in and shooting occurred in the 1000 block of Mount Zion road in Elk Creek. The suspect, identified as 41 year old Samuel Craig Cheeks, allegedly broke in though a bedroom window. Cheeks confronted the homeowner by grabbing him as he tried to arm himself with a handgun. A struggle ensued and the homeowner was able to fire two shots, hitting Cheeks.

Cheeks was reported dead at the scene and later transported to the Chief Medical Examiner’s office. The homeowner was temporarily detained at the scene but is believed to have acted within the scope of the law. The incident remains under investigation by the Sheriff’s Office.

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