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NY Looking To Pass New Gun Control Laws, Including The Banning Of Body Armor

As no surprise, New York State is the first to propose new gun control measures in the wake of 2 deadly mass shootings last month, one in Buffalo and another in Texas.

The bills would prohibit the purchase of body armor for civilians, require a license to purchase a semiautomatic rifle, make threatening mass harm a crime and strengthen the state’s “red flag laws”. The measures would also require new pistols to be equipped with microstamping technology, which uses lasers to imprint markings on a firearm to make it easier to trace guns to registered owners.

The latter will be a challenge to pass, but the others, not so much.

Being in New York for a few months, I’ll have a front row seat to any progression of these proposals.

One thing is for sure, the only areas welcoming these changes are in NYC and a few populated pockets around the state. The rest of us; we’re not the enemies.

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