
Dash Cam Shows Uber Rider Point Gun At Mother Of 4 Just Moments Before He Kills Her

ALLEGHENY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA — Christi Spicuzza was a mother of 4 and took up a job driving for Uber, when she picked up 20 year old Calvin Crew on February 11th.

During the ride, Crew remained quiet, only mumbling a few words. About 20 minutes into the ride, Crew is seen pulling out a handgun and putting it up to the back of Spicuzza’s head.

Prosecutors played what could be their most compelling evidence against Calvin Crew, 20 minutes of dashcam footage from Christi Spicuzza’s Uber, showing the last moments her family will see her alive.

His intent was to rob her, which he did for the next hour as she continued to drive. Crew went through her phone, accessing banking apps such as Venmo and PayPal.

“I have four kids. What are you doing?” Spicuzza can be heard saying on the dash cam footage.

After he was apparently satisfied with his haul, Crew took her to a wooded area, where he shot Spicuzza once in the head.

Rideshare drivers have a dangerous job and while most go off without a hitch, they’re still letting strangers in their vehicles, and that means anything can happen.

Although it’s against both Uber and Lyft policies to carry a firearm or other self-defensive tool while you’re working, I’d recommend all day long to not even worry about that policy.

Uber executives went home to their families the night of February 11th. Christi Spicuzza did not.

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