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Man Leaving For Work Is Shot, Just Because, By Armed Robbers

You can find people at the bottom of the barrel all over the world, and some of them simply don’t care about your life for a split second. An armed robbery occurred early in the morning in Port Arthur, Texas as a man was leaving his house for work. Two guys run up and point a gun at him, trying to get his money and valuables. They end up taking his truck and on their way out, just fire some shots in the direction of their victim.

They struck him in the arm, but luckily this man didn’t receive any more serious injuries and is expected to recover. It goes to show that some criminals will shoot you for absolutely no reason at all, and it’s more reason to have a plan in your head as to how you’re going to react in different situations.

Drawing a firearm during this armed robbery would have been difficult, as there weren’t many opportune times to do so. As John points out, you either comply fully or resist fully, and you need to know what you’re going to do based on the situation before you’re in the situation.

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