
*GRAPHIC WARNING* Tiger Shot And Killed By Police Because Of Florida Man Fail

NAPLES, FLORIDA — A tiger was shot and killed at a zoo after it had grabbed onto a man who thought it was a good idea to stick his hand into the tiger’s cage. The man was identified as 26-year-old River Rosenquist, who is was a maintenance worker at the zoo. While cleaning after-hours, Rosenquist strayed from his duties and walked up to one of the enclosures to apparently get an up close and personal encounter.

Police say he put his arm through the wire fence and the tiger on the other side latched on and wasn’t letting go. Body cam footage below shows police responding to the call, and coming upon a gruesome scene and needed to act quickly to save this idiot’s life.

And unfortunately, that meant shooting the tiger.

The call to 911 came from Rosenquist himself, who said that he was being attacked by a tiger.

Stupid people do stupid things, and it’s unfortunate how this played out. Rosenquist was taken to the hospital and will survive his injuries. The zoo is still debating if they’ll press any charges against him, but if I had a vote, it’d be a yes.

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