
11/08 Hand-Picked Deals: Guns, Ammo & More

Daily deals on guns, ammo and accessories are posted every day until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over. Here are 10 deals for today that will make your mouth water! We hand-pick each deal to try and bring you the best bang for your buck. Be sure to check back tomorrow for a new set of deals!

LA Police Gear Low Vis Plate Carrier OD Green

$71.24 after code “LAPG” ($1.99 S/H over $125 or FREE over $200)

BROWNELLS RMR Slide +Window for Gen3 Glock 19 Stainless Nitride

$204.99 after code “TAG”

BLAZER 9mm Brass 115Gr FMJ RN 1000 rnd Case


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Tula 9mm 115gr FMJ Steel Cased 50rds


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Steyr Arms AUG A3 M1 .223 Rem/5.56 Semi-Automatic AR-15 Rifle w/ Extended Rail

$1699 shipped w/code “STEYREXT”

Taurus GX4 9mm Pistol, Midnight Bronze/Black

$319.99 + Free Shipping

Come back tomorrow for a new batch of deals! Daily deals on guns, ammo and accessories are posted every day until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over.

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