
Someone In This Video Is Armed, Other Than The Robber. He Doesn’t Draw Until The Robber Is Gone.

There isn’t always an opportunity to draw during an armed robbery situation. We can’t see all of the video from this incident from all angles, so it’d be impossible to detect a time to draw if it did come up.

The owner of the pizza shop was armed during this encounter, but doesn’t produce the firearm until after the bad guy is already through the back door and gone.

It’s one of those things that seems unnecessary to me, for a number of reasons. First, the threat is gone and that’s that. Lock the doors and call police. Second, don’t go following the bad guy with a gun as he’s leaving. You could get shot for no reason at all, and instead should distance yourself from that threat.

Watch the video below:

I’m just glad that the owner didn’t made any bad decisions, such as shooting the guy in the back as he was leaving. Video evidence would have likely led to a charge to the owner, but that’s just speculation of course. No one was hurt during this incident, and that’s a win in itself.

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