
Parkland Massacre Gunman Will Plead Guilty, Making Him Eligible For The Death Penalty

PARKLAND, FLORIDA — The gunman who killed 17 people and injured 17 others at Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentines day in 2018 will plead guilty to 17 counts of murder and 17 counts of attempted murder, according to his attorneys.

The guilty pleas will turn into one of two scenarios for the 23-year-old; Life without parole or death.

Whatever the outcome, good riddance.

Jury selections is expected to begin in November, with a trial starting in January. The trial was delayed significantly due to the pandemic.

This news brings the families of the victims closer to having closure, with some hoping that a death sentence is carried out.

Mitch Dworet said he tries hard not to think about the case, saying he wants to focus on their sons. But his wife interjected, “We want justice — it’s time.” For them, that means Cruz’s execution.

“We would like to see him suffer,” she said.

Andrew Pollack, whose 18-year-old daughter Meadow was killed, said in a phone interview he also wants Cruz executed. “Death by lethal injection seems too peaceful to me. I’d rather see [him] hanging in a public square.”

via TTAG

The gun control debate came in full-swing following this shooting, with red flag laws and others being passed in multiple states.

Additionally, Florida passed a law that requires at least one armed guard at every public school in the state while classes are taking place.

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