
Why We Carry: Couple Murdered While Camping In Utah, Complained Of “Creepy Man” Days Earlier

MOAB, UTAH — Families of a married couple, killed while camping, believe that a murderer is on the loose. Police don’t have any description of a suspect to go on, but the deaths are being investigated as homicides.

Kylen Schulte and Crystal Turner were frequent campers, and loved in their community. When they didn’t show up for work, people became concerned and called police. A friend decided to go out and search after police couldn’t locate them.

That friend found a body and called police. When they arrived, they found a second body. Both were confirmed to be the missing couple.

Schulte and Turner, in the days prior to their deaths, met up with friends and told them about a “creepy man” who had been lingering around them for a few days. It was so unsettling that they apparently were going to pack up and move to a different location.

Based on evidence gathered, police believe it was an isolated incident. Still, many questions are unanswered and may remain so for some time.

Having a way to defend yourself while camping is essential, whether it’s defense from an animal or another human. Being out in a remote area with limited –if any– access to the outside world can be a disaster if you find yourself in trouble.

Have a plan and carry the tools necessary to defend yourself, should the need come up.

A GoFundMe has been set up for Kylen Schulte and as of this writing, has nearly $30,000 in donations.

According to the GoFundMe page, Kylen’s brother was shot and killed by a friend in 2015 when he was 15 years old, citing the cause as “negligent gun ownership.” It’s a reason why we have a category on this site dedicated to Irresponsible Gun Owners, so that others can hopefully learn and avoid such tragedies.

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