
Suspect Captured After Gunning Down Two Woman He Worked With Outside NHK Factory In Indiana

CLINTON COUNTY, INDIANA — Two women are dead after being shot and killed in the parking lot of their employer, police say. The suspect is also an employee at the same location and reports suggest that he knew the victims.

The incident happened around 4:15 pm local time and occurred during a shift change. Both women were said to be walking towards the building to start their shifts when they were shot.

The suspect was captured alive and uninjured following a car chase and crash.

So far, no motive has been released for the attack.

Carrying at work is a hot topic, especially for locations that have policies against employees from doing so. Terrible incidents such as this are fuel for us to promote responsible concealed carry even further, hoping that others take the steps to being able to defend themselves if this type of terror ever threatens them.

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