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Church Carry Signed Into Law By Governor DeSantis

Good news! HB 259, Florida’s Church Carry bill, has been signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis (R).

With HB 259 now signed into law, religious institutions are no longer automatically listed as gun-free zones by the state if they choose to offer daycare services, run a parochial school, or rent/lease space from a school to hold services. 

Religious institutions are now free to make that choice on their own if they wish to be gun-free zones.

We at Gun Owners of America felt that Florida’s lawmakers could have done much more than what was offered in this bill. While we support this bill and fought for its passage to become law, the legislative leadership has been a let down to Florida’s gun owners since there were solid pro-gun bills like Constititional Carry (HB 123), and they did not allow that bill to advance. 

I know this news is hard to hear, but Florida is in a bad spot at the moment in regard to the advancement of gun rights. 

Florida is a state with 102 Republicans holding a Supermajority in the legislature. As such, you’d think this state would have pro-gun bills flying through and reaching the Governor’s desk in record time. 

Alas, it took over sixty days for the Legislature to even send such a bill like HB 259 to the Governor’s desk, and it took years to get such a small change in Florida’s gun laws to advance through the legislature.  

By constrast, Texas pushed Constitutional Carry and a legitimate Second Amendment Sanctuary bill through their legislature and got it to their governor’s desk. The Lone Star State even went a step ahead and passed a bill that says a Texas-made suppressor is not under the purview of the ATF and the National Firearms Act. 

Yet Florida has more Republican lawmakers in office, per capita, than Texas does. One would expect more from our legislature. But Florida’s Republican lawmakers were unable to pass Constititional Carry through its first committee, let alone the entire House and Senate.

Rep. Anthony Sabatini said he will reintroduce Constitutional Carry this coming legislative session.

Florida’s gun owners need to be loud and vocal. 

The squeeky wheel gets the grease and, so far, we’ve been squeaking by but getting no grease. 

I need you to be LOUD AND PROUD as gun owners. We need to tell Gov. DeSantis and the Legislature that you want Florida to be the “Gunshine State” once more. 

As your state director, I amplify your voices in Tallahassee. The louder you are, the louder I can be!

So we need to get organized and active for this next session. We need to flood the Capitol and show lawmakers that we will not be silent.

In Liberty

Luis Valdes
GOA FL State Director

PS. On July 1 at 4pm, I’ll be on the Mark Essen show. You can listen live here.  Also, I was a guest speaker in Polk County on June 28, you can listen to my speech here. It starts around the 9 minute mark. 

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