
FreeKyleUSA.com Store Set Up By Family Of Kyle Rittenhouse To Raise Funds For Legal Defense

The family of Kyle Rittenhouse, who was involved in a self-defense shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin over the summer that ended with two people dead and one injured, has opened an online store to sell merchandise as a way to raise funds for his legal defense.

Rittenhouse, who was released on $2 Million cash bail, has a lengthy legal battle ahead. His mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, explained that the funds would be used for, and how much they expect to need.

“We estimate Kyle’s defense costs for trial to be approximately $2 to $2.5 million and after turning over the $2 million dollar cash bail we are essentially starting at zero,” she states. The site states that the effort raised about $17,000 of the $2 million goal.

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