
[VIDEO NSFW] Store Owner Has Enough, Catches Looters In The Act And Points AR At One On The Ground

To say that things are heated is an understatement. The turmoil blanketing our cities is unprecedented, and many have started taking things into their own hands.

By arming themselves.

The store owner below has clearly had enough, and wasn’t about to let these kids loot what he’s worked hard for.

The video has strong language, so be advised.

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One reason I’ve been asking for the “looters” to stop, is that a bunch of them are silly kids, doing sillier and destructive things. I care so much about the young boys, I want to save them from themselves. Many of you aren’t built like your actions lead people to believe you are. I want you to live young men, PLEASE start “Protesting” or go home. You don’t have the foresight to understand why these business owners are so angry. To you it’s just stuff and you want it; to them, you are taking their livelihood and for so many, that’s all they have. Many of these store owners agree with you on the issues, but refuse to be a victim of your opportunist spirit. Please learn what “Protesting” really is, do that or please go home. I don’t want to see you die, because you’re doing some ignorant mess. Many of you are doing it just because your friends are. You aren’t horrible kids but you are doing some horrendous things, please, please stop. For the business owners, you still must be careful. Depending on the circumstances, even what we see here could lead to criminal charges. State and local laws determine that; I don’t know where this is, so I have no idea. Also, I know that’s your business and you shouldn’t watch it be destroyed and I’m with you. Just know some of these kids are being stupid and some of them just need a stiff reminder and maybe a good ass whoopin. You can tell in this young mans voice; “he knew not what he do”. I’m glad the shop owner didn’t shoot him, this will give the young man a chance to go home and rethink his choices; we’ve all had to do the same before. #noc #kdofnoc #therealnoc #georgefloyd #balance

A post shared by Kevin “KD” Dixie (@thereal_noc) on

All of these instances are not caught on camera, and we can only speculate as to how many times it’s happened so far. There will be more, as the looting and rioting is expected to continue.

Over the last few days, numerous people have been shot, including police officers. Entire city blocks have been burned to the ground. Millions of dollars worth of destruction has been done.

And it may just be starting.

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