
Coronamasked Man Pulls Gun Inside Publix Grocery Store, Armed Citizen Readies

ORLANDO, FLORIDA — A man wearing a mask, presumably out of coronavirus concerns, got into an argument with another person while at the deli counter at a Publix grocery store.

The masked man pulled out a gun, and luckily no shots were fired and no one was injured. It was, however, enough to send customers and employees running out of the store.

A second man was also armed inside the store, but was a lawful concealed carrier who had reacted to the situation by drawing his own gun and preparing himself for a possible fight.

After police reviewed store surveillance video, the second man was released after his story checked out.

The first man who pulled out the gun left the store and police are trying to locate him.

As armed citizens, it is our choice whether or not we’re going to involve ourselves into a situation like this. With that said, one thing is for sure: If this turned into an attempted mass shooting, we know of at least one good guy with a gun who was at the location and ready to defend if deemed necessary. Typically, all it takes is a shot fired in the bad guy’s direction to get them to change course, which usually means an end to the violence.

If you have any information on the suspect, please reach out to the Orlando Police Department or Crimeline at 800-423-8477.

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