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Homeowner Interrupts Burglary, Fatally Shoots Intruder

DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA — Those who say gun’s don’t save lives aren’t paying enough attention to local news. Sure, the national media rarely covers these kinds of stories, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t happening. Home invasions and armed robbery attempts are thwarted daily from legally armed citizens. This one comes out of Dekalb County, Georgia.

Police confirmed a homeowner shot and killed a burglary suspect Wednesday afternoon in DeKalb County.

The shooting happened at a home off Wilmont Drive near Clairmont Road. Brookhaven Police told Channel 2 Action News they received a 911 call from the homeowner around noon.

Officers are talking to the homeowner to find out exactly what happened, but it appears the homeowner interrupted the burglary inside his home. The suspect died from his injuries.

Via WSB Atlanta

We don’t have much information as far as exactly what happened during the shooting. Police do not believe the robber fired a shot, only the homeowner. From the sounds of it, it also seems the homeowner may have surprised the burglar during the act.

The police have not filed any charges, but the investigation is still pending. The homeowner is getting lots of support from neighbors and even from police. A neighbor commented that they don’t experience much crime in the neighborhood, but it was good that the homeowner had a gun. The neighbor declared their right to defend their homes.

Police were even quoted in support of the homeowner. As part of the investigation they said the homeowner has the right to defend himself. They are viewing this as a defensive gun shooting, and thus why there are no charges against the homeowner at this time.

Even in the safest of neighborhoods, anything can happen. Being prepared doesn’t mean having a firearm available during only dangerous situations. Having a firearm to defend your home, no matter where you live, is always important. This homeowner recognized the potential danger, despite the fact that he lived in a relatively safe neighborhood. Having a gun to defend his home very well may have just saved his life.

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