Guns Down America is a new-ish brand that looks to push gun control, and push businesses into adopting anti-gun policies.
Literally pushing businesses into these policies.
Demanding a Change at FedEx with Drop the NRA: In December of 2016 we launched a campaign urging FedEx to stop participating in the NRA’s Business Alliance. Guns Down pushed for FedEx to pull out of the NRA’s Business Alliance, which offers FedEx discounts to NRA members. In October of 2018, FedEx ended the discount.
They’ve focused on retailers and banks, giving each a rating from 0 to 100. If their score is on the high end, that means that the company disarms it’s customers and employees via policies enacted, and don’t do much (if any) in the way of supporting pro-gun businesses and communities.
For this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the large Banks and where they stack up, according to, which is operated by Guns Down America;
State Street
Bank of America
Bank of New York
Capital One
TD Bank
US Bank Corp
Wells Fargo
The takeaway from this list, for gun owners and supporters of the 2nd Amendment, is to give your business to the lower grade banks on the list above.
For example, a few years ago I moved my accounts to Wells Fargo. Seeing their F grade makes me smile.
Their details for Wells Fargo are as follows:
Wells Fargo has invested millions in the gun industry, has no public policy on doing business with the gun industry, and contributes to the NRA’s top recipients of campaign contributions in Congress.
At their website, you can see each of the banks along with a description of what gave them their current grades.
All of this, coming from an organization that sends out the following messages:

How exactly are these companies going to keep people save from ‘gun violence’? Are they going to escort everyone in their stores with armed personnel? What are they going to do when the next mass shooting happens in one of their newly-created gun free zones? Who would be responsible?
They’ve also done this:
Stopping Murder Insurance: In October of 2017, we successfully convinced Chubb and Lockton Affinity, two insurers, to stop offering the NRA’s “Carry Guard” policies. This strategic campaign came together in partnership with Color of Change and featured Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin. Hundreds of thousands of Americans signed a petition urging the insurers to break ties and their efforts were featured in an exclusive article in the Associated Press and local news stations around the country.
Murder insurance? That’s self-defense insurance in case someone breaks into my home to try and harm my family. Should I have insurance against something like that if I want it? Absolutely. Because these criminals and their families will take me to court for shooting.
Who is honestly backwards, here?