[VIDEO] Robber Goes To Rob Man On Street, Realizes It’s His Friend, Then They Hug It Out

This is a first for us, as we’ve never seen a robbery stop so quickly that didn’t involve an armed citizen shooting first.

The video below shows two men on a motorcycle, sometime during the night, come up on a man standing on the sidewalk. One of the men jumps off the bike with gun in hand and approaches the man.

As he has the gun pointed at the man, he quickly realizes that it’s a buddy of his.

They literally hug, and then the guy with the gun hops back on the motorcycle as his intended victim waves them goodbye.


It’d be my guess that the intended target is also the robber-type by the way he bid them farewell, almost saluting them for their efforts.

It’s a crazy world with a lot of people who just dgaf, and that’s why we’re prepared for their shenanigans.

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