
BREAKING: Disgruntled Ex-Walmart Employee Opens Fire On Workers Day After Being Fired

SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI — Two people are dead and a police officer injured when a man opened fire outside and inside a Walmart that he was apparently fired from just yesterday.

Southaven officers arrived to an active shooting that occurred between 6:30-6:40 a.m., said Southaven Police Chief Macon Moore.

Moore said about 60 Walmart employees were at work when officers entered the building. A fire was also reported in the store.

Officers found two Walmart employees dead.

Moore said Southaven officers encountered a shooter leaving the west side of building. One officer was shot in the vest by the suspect. Other officers returned fire and shot the suspect, who was taken to Regional One Medical Center.

via commercialappeal.com

No one involved has been identified.

The officer who was show was wearing a bulletproof vest, and was taken to the hospital as a precaution.

The condition of the suspect is not immediately available.

Right before writing this article, I had a thought; “I should refresh my Google News page, because I have a strange feeling that a story about a shooting that happened today will be up there.”

It’s a sad world where we have so many people who think that violence is the correct response to their problems. When things don’t look like they’re going to change anytime soon, it’s even more important than ever to keep yourself protected. Whether or not that includes carrying a firearm is up to each person, but if you’re not going to do that, you should have some sort of go-to self-defense that would be useful to you.

We’ll never know when the next crazy person will strike.

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