15-Round Magazine for the Sig Sauer P365 XL!

Photo Courtesy Osage County Guns

If you haven’t seen our article on the new P365 XL, check it out HERE.  I also published a video you can watch which you can see HERE.

The other day, an image was leaked showing the new Sig and now we are also seeing a 15-round extended magazine that will be available as well (the image above is an example, and not the actual new 15-round magazine).  This is very exciting news for the concealed carry community.  The Sig Sauer P365 XL is a very small gun that holds the same amount of rounds as the big boys.  If you haven’t shot one, you’ll be very pleased as to how accurate the firearm is and how light the recoil is amongst others in its class.

The 365 XL will take a new flush fit 12 round magazine, or a new extended 15 round magazine. The nice thing about this is most hands will find this variant to be a much better fit in the hand.  Those with large hands and thicker fingers will find the extended magazine allows the entire hand to be on the firearm.

Nothing is official until Sig Sauer says it’s coming, but from what we’ve seen so far, this one won’t simply be a home run… Sig Sauer will be knocking it out of the park.

Be sure to keep watching for more as we will be bringing you more information as soon as its available.  

Kyle Braschler of The Armorer’s Fix has been active in the law enforcement community for over ten years.  He spent years teaching patrol rifle and handgun tactics to sworn officers.  He’s also served as an armorer with his agency and as a custom gunsmith in the private sector.

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