MAJOR FAIL: Body Cam Footage Shows Police Beating the Living Crap Out of Each Other During Botched Drug Raid

DETROIT, MI — In an insane display of incompetence and a failure in communication, two separate groups of the Detroit Police Department became involved in an incredibly violent physical altercation which easily could have resulted in a loss of life.

A drug raid that took place in the middle of the night back in late 2017 led to the brawl. Apparently, those who conducted the drug raid were not informed that a sizable number of the people they were looking to arrest were actually cops, working undercover.

So now you’ve got two factions of cops on opposite sides of a physical conflict, and things got intense.

Take a look at the video below:

That’s an awful lot.

So, what do we take away from this?

First of all, we count our lucky stars that this happened a couple of years back. Second, we do the same that nobody died.

But again — this is a really unbelievable level of error and temper.

When trained and prepped officers succumb to childish outbursts, what does that say about what will happen to us when we’re under life-and-death pressure?

Keep calm and stay safe, folks.

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