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Woman Stops 3rd Burglary of Her Home in a Row — This Time, She Was Armed

HAPPY VALLEY, OR — A man was totally humiliated after his burglary of a Happy Valley home when the homeowner drew on him and his lookout… didn’t.

Well I mean, she was still there — she was just asleep.

They’re both spending a little time in jail now. As the Oregon City Patch reports:

Oregon City resident Edward Carleton Cerf, 20, and Milwaukie resident Gabriella Maureen Solis, 19, were taken to Clackamas County Jail and charged with burglary. Cerf is also being held on a parole violation.

Dawn DesVoigne and her boyfriend Troy Eaton were pulling up to Dawn’s home in the 8900-block of Southeast 139th Avenue in Happy Valley on Oct. 18 when they spotted someone coming from the backyard. The man, later identified as Cerf, was wearing a gray-colored jumpsuit emblazoned with the name “Shawn” and was carrying a backpack full of what looked like Dawn’s property.

“We got out of the car and asked him, ‘What are you doing?’” Dawn told Patch on Tuesday.

Appearing belligerent and somewhat cocky, Cerf responded by asking Dawn and Troy what they were doing, she said. “Then he tried telling us his girlfriend had the deed to the house and that he was allowed to be there.”

At that, Dawn turned around and reached into Troy’s car for his handgun, which she aimed straight at Cerf while commanding him to get on his knees with his hands up. Cerf immediately complied. Passing the gun to Troy, Dawn called 911 around 2:15 p.m. as Cerf pleaded with the couple to let him go, even offering Dawn money to release him, she said.

Within five minutes deputies were speeding into her neighborhood and pulling into her driveway, Dawn said, adding, “It was quite the spectacle.”

There’s even more to the story than that. This wasn’t the first time Dawn’s house had been broken into. It wasn’t even the second — it was the third in not too long a time. She had had enough.

Cerf, for his part, was a mess. A drug addict, Cerf had been ordered to a treatment program in January of 2017, then was put into a normal jail sentence after literally just walking out of custody two times.

They just let him go twice.

This guy needs help, and he needs that help in the comfort of a secure, secure, facility.

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