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Three Men Attempt Armed Robbery On Street, Victim Grabs Their Gun And Fires

RIVIERA BEACH, FLORIDA — What three thugs likely thought would be a routine robbery turned deadly for one of them after their intended victim got a hold of one of their guns and fought back.

The robbery attempt happened just after 10 pm in front of the victim’s residence, and he acted quickly to save his life.

When officers arrived, they found a deceased man in the driveway. Shortly after, another man approached them to say that he was the robbery target and the person who shot the man on the ground.

The man told police that three unknown men attempted to rob him at gunpoint in front of his residence. According to the man, he was able to grab one of the suspects’ gun and shoot one of the men.

While it’s better to be armed yourself, this one worked in favor of the intended victim. The circumstances surrounding the robbery are still under investigation, and police did request a search warrant for the property where it all went down.

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