
Family Defense Attempt Results in Dog Defense, Wild Car Chase

LEHIGH VALLERY, PA — A woman nearly lost her life and endangered the lives of her three kids and her dog when she responded to a home invasion with a half-measured attempt at home defense.

Her mistake led to a hand-to-hand fight, a dog coming to defense, and a street chase.

It was absolute madness.

According to Leigh High Valley Live:

Wilson police said they were called 9:40 p.m. Thursday for a burglary in progress at an apartment in the 2100 block of Freemansburg Avenue.

As an officer headed over, the caller reported the burglar was assaulting her. The victim later told police Falwell broke into her apartment while she and her three children — all under the age of 12 — were there. She retrieved her gun from a safe and put it in her sweatshirt pocket.

When the victim told Falwell to get out of the apartment, he allegedly began fighting with the woman for the gun. Falwell slammed the woman to the ground and wrestled the gun away, then pointed it at the victim and threatened to shoot her, according to police.

“I will kill you right now,” he reportedly said.

The family’s dog attacked Falwell, and he allegedly threatened to shoot the dog.

When the officer arrived, he saw a man later identified as Falwell standing by the driver’s side of a car. Falwell quickly reached for his keys and got into the car, as the victim yelled, “He took my gun, he took my gun,” according to police.

The officer drew his firearm and ordered Falwell to stop, but Falwell instead sped off down Freemansburg Avenue. Another officer tried to block the street with his cruiser, but Falwell continued fleeing, police said.

Falwell allegedly nearly hit two pedestrians, and was traveling so fast his 2001 Honda was bottoming out several times during the chase. Falwell only stopped after hitting a dead end on Ninth Street, police said.

If you’re going to produce a handgun to repel a home invader, it’s not going to do much for you in your sweatshirt pocket.

Carry your firearm. Hold your firearm in a manner that if you need to, you can engage a target right away. Don’t commit to the defense of your home in half-measures.

Your family’s safety depends on it.

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