
Victim Shot in Face and Robbed After Being Followed Home by Suspects

HOUSTON, TEXAS – A man was shot in the face during a robbery in the garage of their million-dollar home.  Police believed that the robbers, described only as two men in hoodies, followed them home from a restaurant.  The incident occurred around 1 a.m. Friday morning.  The ambush occurred in the upscale Tanglewood area of Houston on Broad Oaks near Woodway.

In addition to being shot, the man was robbed of his watch and other jewelry, according to police. The man is expected to survive, and his girlfriend was uninjured in the incident. Investigators are searching for any available surveillance video from the area.

“You always want to be on the lookout to see if someone is following you to your house,” Lt. Emanuel Pavel said. “That goes for everybody. You have to be careful when you are driving anywhere to see that nobody is following you, because, like in this incident, I don’t know how far the restaurant was, but it didn’t happen right over here. I mean, they were followed home.”

Police offer the following advice if you find yourself in a situation where you think you are being followed:

  • Pay attention to a car taking all the same turns you are. If someone is truly following you, they won’t stay close. Instead, they may pass you a few times and then fall back.
  • Slow down. It may sound odd, but the slower you are, the harder it is for someone to tail you without being obvious.
  • Call police. Whether you are walking or driving, reach out to authorities and head to a public place. Do not go home.
  • Another piece of advice from law enforcement is to change up your daily routine occasionally. Doing the same thing every single day can make you an easy target.
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