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EQUALIZER: Armed Woman Sends Burglarizing Thug Packing, Confronts Him In Jail To Tell Him He’s Lucky To Be Alive

WALHALLA, SC — When Ralph Goss broke into a home with an armed homeowner, he was likely surprised — it was mid-afternoon, after all.

The homeowner was quick to react, though, and she was packing.

As Fox Carolina reports:

Deputies said they received a 911 call around 1:45 p.m. about an intruder at a home on North Laurel Street. According to investigators, a woman at the home was armed and pulled her gun on the suspect, who fled the scene. That woman’s name is Keri Reeves and she spoke with FOX Carolina following the incident.

“I immediately thought, he going to get a gun he’s about to shoot, me I’m not about to die in my own house,” said Reeves. “This could’ve been a very different situation had I not been properly armed.”

She says after she phoned the Sheriff and realized the seriousness of the situation, she was shaken up.

“I’m one of those people that can go from zero to a hundred in 2.5 seconds and I’m not a nice person normally, but as soon as I got on the phone with the sheriff’s department he was out of sight. The severity of it hit me, and I was in hysterics. I was crying, I was scared, I was very shaken.”

Deputies confirmed Thursday that the suspect, Ralph Jake Goss Jr., 33, was arrested and charged with burglary second degree, petit larceny, and possession of burglary tools.

Reeves actually made a statement to the thug the next day, which I’ve posted below. It’s pretty intimidating stuff, and I think we can all forgive her for using the word “clip” instead of “magazine” in light of the circumstances.

FOX Carolina 21

Another score for the equalizer. As you can see in the video, the would-be burglar is not a particularly small man. If she’d not had a firearm, Reeves could have been badly hurt, or worse.

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