
Why We Carry: Woman Attacked While Carrying Her Child, Attackers Could Care Less *WATCH*

SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK — A video taken by a witness shows a pair of women attacking another woman as she carries her child in her arms. The background of this incident isn’t clear at the moment, but it’s still a solid reminder of why we carry.

The video can be seen here. Give it a watch and then come back to us.

A comment left on the video is in favor of concealed carry, and many others were quick to agree with him;

Regardless of what led to this altercation, it’s pretty disgusting to see two grown adults attacking someone while they are holding a child. The woman is seen cradling her child’s head to try and make sure that he isn’t injured during the attack.

The woman on the left in the photo below wasn’t afraid to land punches on her target. This is a screen shot showing her hand during one of the blows, and during the craziness of the attack could have easily struck the child.

People do step in at some point during the incident to try and break it up, but it doesn’t change the fact that this woman and child were in danger.

It seems that police are currently trying to locate the attackers, and let’s hope they are found. In the meantime, we have our fingers crossed that these women never reproduce.

While many people believe that New York is a difficult state to obtain a concealed carry permit in, they’re wrong. Outside of NYC, it’s relatively easy with a clean history. With that said, we hope to see more New Yorkers applying and receiving their permits.

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