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Two Armed Robbers Walk Into A Grocery Store Filled With Armed Employees

CLEVELAND, OHIO — When you’re having a bad day, you’re having a bad day. When the life of crime is chosen, there’s no telling what you’re going to walk into when you decide to go on an armed robbery.

For two armed robbers in Cleveland, they picked a grocery store as their easy target.

Except, the store owner and another employee were carrying firearms.

The two robbers walked in the store with hoods pulled tight over their heads and scarves covering their faces, police reports say.

The 59-year-old store owner and 70-year-old employee repeatedly told the duo to take off their hoods, police reports say. The two refused, pulled out gun and demanded money from the cash register, according to police reports.

A 46-year-old employee working the register handed the man the cash drawer that had about $80 in it, police reports say.

The 70-year-old employee saw the robbers with guns out and pulled out his gun, police reports say. He fired four shots at the robbers, according to police reports.

via Cleveland.com

Once the employee fired his shots, the store owner also pulled out a gun of his own and fired shots as well.

Both of the robbers took off, having decided that their lives weren’t worth the $80 they were about to score. They both took off in different directions and are still being sought by police.

No evidence was found that either robber was shot, but let’s hope that it was enough to get them to change their minds about their poor life choices.

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