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Punk Besieges Home Packing Heat, Homeowner Puts Him in His Place

PHOENIX, AZ — An armed man who refused to either leave a residence or cease provoking the owner of said residence was shot and put out of commission by the armed homeowner, KTAR News reports.

The tension-filled discussion at the doorway escalated into a full-blown confrontation, and the homeowner was ready to respond.

As KTAR News reports:

(Detectice) Marianne Ramirez, a spokeswoman with the Phoenix Police Department, said the homeowner was confronted by the suspect at his front door in the area of 56th and Vernon avenues. The suspect, only described as an adult male, was reportedly armed and refused to leave the premises. Ramirez said a confrontation occurred between the two, leading the homeowner to shoot the suspect.

The suspect was located outside of the house with a non-life threatening injury and was transported to a local hospital. Ramirez said there were no other outstanding suspects. Phoenix police are investigating the situation.

This man was put into a confrontation that a lot of homeowners have been put into at some point in their lives — dealing with a menacing presence outside of the home. The way with which that should be dealt is subject to a lot of circumstances — the suspect being armed is of course one of the more pressing ones.

There’s a profound difference between some loiterers — I had many when I lived in college, kids who hung out on the front lawn just past the sidewalk, harassers — folks who came up to the door, always intoxicated, asking for X, Y, or Z and hoping that they could make me or another occupant uncomfortable enough that we’d fork over whatever they wanted, which is entirely too common, and an armed threat at the door.

The only reason I list these scenario off — I know you know these kinds of folks already — is because there is a definitive line between an annoyance, even one that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, and a palpable threat, like an armed man at the door who refuses to leave.

Use your best judgment, and take care to remain armed at home. Should situations escalate you should be fully prepared to respond.

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