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The Last Thing This Burglar Did Was Break Into This Armed Citizen’s Home And Threaten His Family

FORT WORTH, TEXAS — A man was shot and killed after attempting to enter an armed citizen’s home and threatening the lives of the homeowner’s wife and children, the Star-Telegram reports.

Although the homeowner won the fight for his family, he was also injured in the process.

As the Star-Telegram reports:

Police were called to a residence in the 10800 block of Camp Bowie Boulevard in far west Fort Worth about 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, a police call log showed. The homeowner had the suspect pinned down and was holding a gun on him, the call log stated.

The suspect reportedly died after the homeowner shot him, police said.

The suspect broke down the family’s front door and got into a scuffle with the homeowner, according to a story from WFAA. The homeowner, a father, got a gun and shot him, the WFAA story said. During the scuffle, the suspect stabbed the homeowner, according to a story from Fox 4 News.

The father was taken to the hospital with minor injuries, according to emergency medical personnel.

The father was trying to protect his wife and three children, a CBS11 News story said. A 911 call taker listened as the intruder made threats and thrashed around inside the house, the CBS story said.

There’s no telling what this homeowner and his family would have experienced should he not have been armed.

One bad guy with a knife can do a lot of damage — but this one just made the mistake of bringing a knife to a gunfight.

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