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Man Killed By Ex-Girlfriend’s New Boyfriend In Self Defense

ATHENS, AL — Ah, love. And the things one will do for it. And the insanity it can stir. We once again have the chance to look into some serious lovers’ foul play that involved three people — and all of them are shot before fight is over.

According to Al.com:

Christopher Demond Carter, of Harvest, was killed by his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend on McClung Lane after shooting and injuring the couple, according to Chief Floyd Johnson.

After Carter showed up at the boyfriend’s home just east of Elkmont Road, an argument erupted and shots were fired. Police were called the scene just before 4 a.m. Sunday. Johnson said Carter shot his ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend — hitting the woman’s leg and the man’s arm. Then, the boyfriend went into the house, grabbed a pistol and shot Carter, Johnson said. Carter died in the street.

“I think this is a case of self-defense,” Johnson told AL.com.

The boyfriend and girlfriend were treated and released from Athens-Limestone Hospital.

It’s hard not to see this as a self-defense incident, unless the new boyfriend and girlfriend were guest stars of Monk.

Of course, the authorities are still being thorough.

“I (met) with our investigators this morning; we went over evidence collected and statements taken in the case,” Johnson said in a news release according to AL.com.

“Our investigation will be continuing for several weeks to come. We have evidence that will have to be sent for examination and analyses.”

It seems like an open-and-shut situation, but we won’t know until the investigation is complete.

Until then, I think we’re pretty safe to congratulate the new boyfriend for successfully defending his own life as well as his loved one.

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