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Intruder, Who Had Child With Him, Is Shot And Killed By Homeowner

SAN ANTONIO, TX — It’s one thing to attempt to break in and rob a home, possibly doing worse — that’s plenty awful enough. The heinousness is exponentially expanded when that intruder brings a child with him on the trip.

That’s exactly what seems to have happened with 39-year-old James Carney of New Braunfels, as SBG San Antonio reports police not only claim that he attempted to break into a San Antonio home only to be shot and killed by the occupant of the home, but that he left a seven-year-old child in the car as he did so.

Apparently, Carney attempted to get inside the home via a window, but a woman inside the home discovered him and shot him.

He later died at a local hospital.

It was later discovered that he had left a child in the car as he attempted to break in.

SBG San Antonio does not comment on whether or not the child was Carney’s, but it’s probably safe to assume that there was some sort of relationship there.

But whatever relationship there may be, there was absolutely no reason whatsoever to involve children in his crime, nor put her in danger.

Hopefully, she will be able to recover from that trauma and receive some more proper care.

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