
CA Man Holds Man At Gunpoint After He Drove Car Into Home

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA — Meth, cocaine, three stolen guns, and a police chase. These may have been some of the factors behind a car slamming into a couple’s home around midnight. As the homeowner recalled, him and his wife were getting ready to go to bed when they heard the car smash into their home. Worried about their child, the mother rushed out to get her child from the adjoining room. The man got his gun and went to deal with the mess.

According to KTLA News, the homeowner encountered two men trying to enter back into his home. One of the men was still in the vehicle and the homeowner held him at gun point. Police apprehended all four suspects — including one who must have fled out of the house before the homeowner could get out to the crash scene.

The suspects were identified as Santa Ana residents Tanisha Marie Estrada, 29; Leticia Dominguez, 21; and Daniel Enrique Ramirez, 23, and 20-year-old Corona resident Joshua Rudy Ramirez.

Ms. Estrada was found hiding in a nearby neighbor’s yard. A K-9 unit took her down in short form. Three guns were recovered from the scene in addition to cocaine and methamphetamines.

The icing on the cake? It was the homeowner’s birthday night.

“And for your birthday, this year, honey, here’s a brand new car!”

…Through your living room.

All jokes aside, it’s great to see that the man and his wife were able to react quickly in this emergency. They had their priorities in order and thankfully, the criminals weren’t interested in getting into a gunfight with a man in his boxers. That, and the police were likely already in hot pursuit by this point.

Just another weird but good ending thanks to a good guy with a gun.

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